
Tokio Hotel, Stockholm, September 8 – Part 1

It’s been a day, one and a half counting from the start of it all yesterday morning. And I still can hardly believe it’s happened!

I got up at 2 am last night, the bus to Stockholm left at 3:50 am. There were five more fans going with the same bus, but I didn’t know any of them. We still went together to NRJ (the radio station) and arrived there at 6:45 am. There were loads of fans there, and at 7:30 am we were roughly 70-80 fans there. The atmosphere was great, there was a lot of energy in the air. Tokio Hotel was on their way there!

I also met Ina who was there with two friends, they’re making a short movie about fans. They were with us during the whole day, filming the fans in general and a few selected fans in particular. Hopefully they got a lot of useful material. She promised me to see the final result, and I look forward to that. How wonderful to have the whole day documented!

Anyway. While we were waiting outside of NRJ, Gert Fylking (a famous radio host) arrived on his bicycle! Haha, but I didn’t recognize him. One of the other girls said, when he had gone inside, that is was Gert! Well, I have a photo of his bicycle…

At 8 am a lot of fans got their cell phones out and turned up the volume to max so we could listen to the radio interview live, standing outside the studio. A few minutes to 8, a black van came by but it turned back. Then we heard the hosts on radio say that Tokio Hotel had come, so it was their car we had seen. They entered the building on the other side…

It was a strange feeling hearing them being interviewed, knowing that there were only a few walls separating us from them. They played a lot of music, like Monsoon and Automatic. It was so great – we sang together outside! Everyone sang along with Tokio Hotel’s songs, I wonder if they could hear us… At least they heard us (well, not me, but other fans…) when screaming!

The interview was okay, I think. I was a little annoyed when they started talking about Chantelle, why can’t Tom be left alone with whoever he spends time with? We also got to know that Gustav just lost his driver license because of that tram accident he caused last spring. I counted on that to happen but it’s still bad… I hope he’ll get it back soon! But the only thing that really annoyed me was that their interpreter spoke at the same time as Bill! So we could hardly hear what any of them said. The best thing would have been if she had let Bill (and the others, but it was mostly Bill speaking) finish speaking, and then translated it. I tried to focus on the guys’ voices, but her voice was so annoying, drowning theirs!

Well, when the interview ended we were (desperatly) trying to figure out on which side of the building they would leave. Someone said that if everyone was standing on the same side, the chances would be bigger they left on that side. And as almost everyone was standing by the cars, the rest of us ran over there. But when we got there, there were so many other fans that those of us who arrived last, and especially me who is so short, couldn’t see anything at all. Just as I was going to say to some other fans that there was no use in standing there, they said on the radio that the guys would say hello to their fans by door 35 – that’s where we had been standing all along! We ran back!

And we were lucky we did, run, I mean. We were few who did. Shortly after we got back to the door, two windows opened on the first floor, and Gustav, Bill and Tom waved to us! Many fans were screaming, everyone was waving like crazy and taking photos. It was so great to see them! Everyone was wearing sunglasses – and Tom wore a shirt!! I think I’ve never seen him wearing a shirt before, haha! But of course it was oversize.

Here are some photos from NRJ! I’ve cut out the part of the photos where the guys are, and I’ve slightly manipulated colors and lighting to make the guys more visible, so that’s why the photos look a bit weird…

Tokio Hotel in Stockholm 2009

Tokio Hotel in Stockholm 2009

Tokio Hotel in Stockholm 2009

Tokio Hotel in Stockholm 2009

3 thoughts on “Tokio Hotel, Stockholm, September 8 – Part 1

  1. Anchi

    Nej men gud, jag fattade aldrig att det var du! 😮 Haha. Pratade med dig på NRJ ju, stod typ bredvid dig när vi stod så där fint uppradade på varsin sida om dörren och trodde att dom skulle komma.. haha!

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