

Time Flies!

Time Flies!

I tried to remember the last time I posted something on my blog, and realized it was a couple of months ago. Oops! And so much has happened during these months that I don’t really know where to start… I’ve seen Tackey & Tsubasa several more times, I’ve travelled some, met new people, experienced Tokyo – most things deserve their own blog posts, so I’ll get back to them later.



When I went outside my door this morning I stopped dead – not because it was raining again, but because it was freezing outside! Okay, I guess it was about 20 degrees, but that is freezing for being Japan in the middle of summer! And I had just gotten used to 35 degrees… I’ve complained about the heat earlier, but I hope that I won’t have to experience more Swedish summer now, I want the Tokyo summer back…

I Took the Walk!

I Took the Walk!

I’m back home. Tired and a little frozen, but whatever! I’ve been in Stockholm all day. I took a charity walk (my dollar will be used for medical treatments), visited the Christmas fair in the Old City, and went to a café with some friends – some of them I haven’t met for 3 years! It’s crazy how time passes, it feels like we had that fangathering in Örebro just a year ago, but no…