
travelling abroad

I’m Going To London!

I’m Going To London!

Tomorrow I’m going to London! I’ll be away for a week. Why? Hanson! My favourite band of all time is finally coming back to Europe for some real concerts – a total of 5 concerts in London. One album each evening. There are many songs that I’ve waited for 14 years to hear live, so this will be a journey I’ll never forget!

Three Years Today

Three Years Today

Today, three years ago, was the first time ever I saw Tokio Hotel. That was in Hannover, on May 5, 2007. I bought the tickets for the concert shortly after Christmas 2006, only two weeks after I heard their songs for the first time… The trip was very eventful – one of those trips you will remember all your life but never repeat! The concert was fantastic and I’m happy that I had the chance to see Tokio Hotel for the first time in their own country.

Report from Brussels

Report from Brussels

Despite all the chaos surrounding the trip, the time in Brussels and the concert was fantastic! The day was okay, if you don’t think about the usual chaos during the queueing (the Belgian guards never seem to work out a system that works…). The concert was amazing – the stage was cool, the music was good and it was so fun to see Georg and Tom play instruments that we are not really used to see them play!